But what is cancel culture? I did not have a great idea until it was presented by the group, and learned that it is when a group or culture of people team up to ostracize, boycott or in some cases harass someone who has done something the group deems unacceptable behavior.
I also learned that this behavior can be beneficial if what the person being shunned has done something that warrants some kind of punishment, as positing on the internet pretty much allows you to say whatever you would like to with little to no consequences. At the same time, it can also be used in ways that could be considered bullying. The presentation covered that people often times misuse the cancel culture group to cancel people that they simply don't agree with. This can be someone stating who they voted for being targeted for their political views (which is nothing new, yet still a problem), many tried to cancel Johnny Depp after the false accusations pit against him, and people will sometimes even try to cancel for the most minor things, like liking left Twix over right, or maybe not liking a Taylor Swift song.
The term "cancel culture" came up sometime around the late 2010's, and is sometimes called "call-out-culture" as it is a less negative sounding term, given that cancel culture gave itself a bad name as of recent years. Having effects on mental health is one of the big problems that cancel culture has given itself. It also effects mental health of both the canceller and canceled.
That sums up a good portion of what I learned about cancel culture during the presentation.
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